Od „tragicznego” do „terapeutycznego” wymiaru filozoficznego etosu. Koncepcja filozofii w De consolatione Boecjusza


  • Marcin Subczak Zakład Historii Filozofii na Wydziale Socjologiczno-Historycznym Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego



Słowa kluczowe:

Boethius, philosophy as a way of life, solicitude for the soul, tragedy, therapy, consolation, philosophical ethos


The aim of this paper is to present metaphilosophical issues in Boethius’s De consolatione. His work takes up and continues the discussion of some ways of understanding philosophy and dimensions of philosophy, the sources of which are in the ancient tradition. In this paper I am going to point out that for Boethius philosophy is an art and a way of life. Having made this assumption, two other aspects of philosophy can be considered – the “tragic” and the “therapeutic” ones. While philosophical therapy has been frequently discussed by scholars as a dimension of Boethius’s “love of wisdom”, the “tragic” and “the way of life” aspects have not been rightly appreciated in their unity. The close relationship of these ways of understanding philosophy is evidenced by the fact, that their presentation in Boethius’s work takes the form of the sequence of events. At first we can see philosophy as a way of life, next there is a tragic end, and finally we can see philosophical therapy as a reaction to the tragedy. This paper aims at resolving the problem of philosophical ethos which combines the multidimensional approach to philosophy and makes the drama of “the way of life” so closely linked to the need of consolation.

Biogram autora

  • Marcin Subczak - Zakład Historii Filozofii na Wydziale Socjologiczno-Historycznym Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego

    Marcin Subczak – asystent w Zakładzie Historii Filozofii na Wydziale Socjologiczno-Historycznym Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Zainteresowania: historia filozofii antycznej, Platonizm i jego recepcja, historia filozofii średniowiecznej.


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