Human Dignity in Law – A Case Study of the Polish Legal System


  • Magdalena Butrymowicz The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow


Słowa kluczowe:

Dignity, international law, Polish Constitution, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights


Human dignity is one of the most fundamental ideas in the entire international human rights system. As from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in 1948, the concept of the human dignity become used as a tool to protect the basic needs of humans. The other formal instruments of international human rights also make reference to dignity. Whereas international law widely accepted the inherence of dignity, controversies still arise around the source of the dignity. Polish lawmakers, on the other hand, have no doubt about the fact the concept of dignity comes from natural law. Poland, in her Constitution, refers to the teaching of John Paul II about the source, value and meaning of human dignity. There is no doubt that concept of human dignity, even when it is controversial, is the most widely accepted by all religions and political society in the world.


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