La administración de los bienes de la Iglesia hasta el siglo X:  algunas de las disposiciones, especialmente de los concilios, y su recepción en el Código de Derecho Canónico de Juan Pablo II


  • Jorge Antonio Di Nicco Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina


Słowa kluczowe:

Administration of Church property, councils, finance officer


This article analyses the evolution of the goods of the Church and its administration during the first millennium of the Christian era. It reveals the first community of Jerusalem where believers had everything in common, discusses the centrality of the Bishop and severely damaging mismanagement, and some of the provisions on the subject under study, especially those arising from the various councils. It talks about the attempts and tendencies towards the disintegration of the diocesan heritage as a unitary whole from the sixth century; notwithstanding which, the Bishop has the responsibility for his subordinate entities, keeping the administrative power over the property of the diocese. In the last part, the article presents several of these provisions in the Code of Canon Law by John Paul II.



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