Remote Teaching of Religious Education in Polish Schools as a Form of Evangelization and Catechesis during the Epidemic Threat


  • Renata Chrzanowska The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, Poland


Słowa kluczowe:

Catechesis, evangelization, remote teaching of religious education, epidemic threat, coronavirus


This article discusses the current situation of the Church resulting from the epidemic threat of the coronavirus. It indicates how we can teach religious education online, using particular platforms and educational websites, as well as instant messengers and other internet services, to make them tools of catechesis and evangelization. The author emphasizes the spiritual contact of the faithful who, through the media, can participate in Holy Masses and receive the Spiritual Communion. She underlines the role of the proper use of mass media in the work of catechesis and evangelization. The author encourages people responsible for catechesis to be creative in the remote proclamation of the redemptive message, and to use all the available didactic resources and methods.


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