Świeccy – współodpowiedzialni czy tylko odbiorcy nauczania? Punkty zapalne i perspektywy zmian


  • Józef Majewski Uniwersytet Gdański



Słowa kluczowe:

laity, theology of charism, Vatican II, ecclesiology, reform of the Church


There are currently emphatic appeals for increased efforts in order to include laity in vita et in missione Ecclesiae in the areas of theology and ecclesiology. They define the lay person by negation, as a person without the charism of priesthood. Could you be responsible for situations in which you did not receive the gift of grace from the Holy Spirit? Rather the possession of a charism can create the proper Christian responsibility. In other words, this negative theology of laity cannot make for an ecclesial accountability, because it does not recognize in the lay people their own gifts of grace. It does not conceptualize the mysterious connection between every believer and Holy Spirit who dwells in him and who forms an outstanding vocation of every christifideles. This charismatic presence of the Holy Spirit causes everyone to be in a position of responsibility for their own charism in Ecclesia. So, the theology of charism plays the crucial role in a theoretical and a practical repair of ecclesiastic responsibility of lay people. It had been awakened by Vatican II but was present in theology and practiced in the church at most for two or three decades after only the council.


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