Apophatic and Mystical Realism. Nicholas’ of Cusa Lesson
apophatic theology, religious discourse, apophatic realism, Nicolas of CusaAbstract
In my paper I consider the question, whether one can reconcile radical apophatic perspective with the realistic interpretation of religious discourse. Both are supported by very important religious intuitions, but seem to be mutually inconsistent. In order to show what form of “apophatic realism” is possible to hold, I analyze the thought of Nicolas of Cusa: fifteenth century mystic and philosopher, whose thought does justice to the deepest religious intuitions and can be inspiring, and – in its basic principles – also tenable, even in XXI century.References
Nicholas of Cusa, De Docta Ignorantia, http://www.cusanus-portal.de; English translation: On learned ignorance, trans. J. Hopkins, http://jasper-hopkins.info/DI-I-12-2000.pdf
Nicholas of Cusa, Dialogus de Deo Abscondito, http://www.cusanus-portal.de; English translation: On the Hidden God, trans. J. Hopkins, http://jasper-hopkins.info/DeDeoAbscon12-2000.pdf
Nicholas of Cusa, Idiota de mente, http://www.cusanus-portal.de; English translation: On Wisdom and Knowledge, trans. J. Hopkins, http://jasper-hopkins.info/DeMente12-2000.pdf
Other works
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Sikora P., Atheism, Agnosticism, and Apophatic Theism, Polish Journal of Philosophy 4 (2010) No. 1 (Spring 2010), p. 65–80.
Sikora P., Realizm i teologia, in: R. Woźniak (ed.), Metafizyka i teologia, Kraków 2008, p. 323–342.
Sikora P., Słowa i zbawienie. Dyskurs religijny w perspektywie Hilarego Putnama, Kraków 2004.
Sikora P., Wielość religii a debata: realizm/antyrealizm religijny, Diametros 29 (2011), p. 93–109.
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