Christliche Wahrheiten als Fundament einer inhaltsreichen Religionserziehung in der Familie
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
Christian values, religious education, family, personAbstrakt
A person is responsible for the implementation of values and at the same time is responsible for treating himself/herself as a value. A human person is capable of self-determination, because s/he can act deliberately. Through self-reflection, a person can choose a course of action for himself/herself and assert “inner self” to the outside world through their choices. The person is also responsible to himself/herself for self-fulfillment. It’s the fulfillment of a person that leads to happiness, which consists in the realization of freedom by choosing the truth. It is associated with the relationship to other people and to God. In this article, the issue of religious education in the family, with special attention to Christian values, as the foundation of education has been presented. Firstly, the author highlights the most significant values in religious education, which is freedom of the person, love, responsibility, and then he shows the role of values in the transmission of content: salvation, Jesus Christ, the Church and Mary.Bibliografia
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2015 Józef Stala

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