Die Werteerziehung im Lehrwerk Johannes Pauls II.


  • Józef Stala Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow



Słowa kluczowe:

Upbringing, education, values, religion, John Paul II


An in­‑depth analysis of writings of John Paul II leads to a conclusion that the Pope cared for upbringing that would foster to values. He clearly indicated that the person is to be viewed as the foundation of the process of upbringing and also stressed the significance of upbringing towards life in the family, nation and Church. The author of this article accounts for and presents the problem of upbringing towards values, which is interpreted from the teachings of John Paul II. First, the author indicates the complementary character of education, religion and faith, then they are oriented towards the world of values and the Christian hierarchization of these values.


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