Christian beliefs and teaching in Fr. Zoricic’s writings – linguistic and theological approach
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
Christian beliefs, cultural and religious heritage, Zoricic, linguistic and theological approachAbstrakt
National cultural and religious heritage presents valuable repository of knowledge and wisdom. The article focuses on the understanding, classification and interpretation of Christian beliefs and the Gospel messages presented in the book of Fr. Zoricic (published in Venice 1780), whose theological thoughts were inspired and reinforced by various Italian and Latin writers of the time. The aim of this research is twofold: to preserve this rare spiritual book and to use it as a code of ethics. How was the dichotomy of good and evil presented in the Book? How did Zoricic describe Our Lady, God and the Body of Christ? To whom did he refer the most? To whom did he devote his writing? To be able to attempt answering these questions the Book was digitized, transcribed and transliterated.. On the basis of core terminology, extracted by natural language processing tool, a detailed linguistic analysis is provided.Bibliografia
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2016 Jardanka Garmaz, Angelina Gaspar

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