Transition to Parenthood and Susceptibility to Divorce: qualitative research of divorced young parents in Slovenia
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
Transition to parenthood, changes at the birth of a child, disintegration of marriage, divorce, risk factorsAbstrakt
Transition to parenthood is a vulnerable period for spouses and can consequently lead to the disintegration of their relationship. The purpose of this research was to examine the experience of this transition, circumstances and risk factors for divorce from the perspective of divorcees in Slovenia who divorced in the first year of their child’s life. On the basis of semi‑structured interviews with 15 divorcees, the findings of studies examining changes after the birth of a child were confirmed. The results pointed to risk factors for marriage, such as uncertain relationship between spouses prior to the childbirth, permeable boundaries in relations with families of origin, lack of practical and emotional support, and unreal expectations. The child’s arrival accentuates unsolved issues from the past and brings additional vulnerability to the relationship. The findings of this research are a contribution to the development of preventive, educative and therapeutic programmes for couples in transition to parenthood.Bibliografia
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2016 Nataša Rijavec Klobučar

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