Theological Concept of the Fourth Gospel in the Context of Jesus’ Glorification Prayer (Jn 17:1-5)
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
Glorification prayer, Johannine theology, eschatologyAbstrakt
The analysis of Jn 17:1-5 in its textual, literary, exegetical and theological dimensions shows the importance of Jesus’ prayer to His Father. The prayer of glorification includes a deep theological perspective expressed by the connection between the Son and the Father, earth and Heaven, the believers and God. The glorification of the Father in the prayer of the Son obtains its dynamism in the glorification of the Son in the realization of the Hour. The concept of the Johannine Hour reveals its eschatological character which can be fulfilled in the Passion, Death and Resurrection of the Son. The prayer of Jesus opens the Heaven for every person who together with Him can fulfill the will of God. In the glorification of the Father by the Son (earthly glorification) and the Son by the Father (heavenly glorification) the believers obtain eternal life in the Heavenly Love of God.Bibliografia
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2017 Mirosław S. Wróbel

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