An Assertive Method as Help in Catechesis?
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
Assertive method, catechesis, P. Ricoeur, passivity, God’s pedagogy, selfhoodAbstrakt
The problem of discipline, and motivation in the learning process, is ever more glaring in catechesis. The assertive approach attempts to, at least partially, solve this problem in modern education. This discussion will show that it is possible to use this approach if assertiveness is enriched by the fundamental anthropological discovery as developed by P. Ricoeur in his hermeneutics of selfhood. He does not see human personality as static, but as dynamic, which gives key roles to three forms of passivity: towards one’s own body, towards others, and towards one’s conscience. The concept of passivity will be woven into catechesis, which aligns better to the spirit of Christian theology. The example of Jesus’ catechesis on the road to Emmaus will be used to show the practical usefulness of assertiveness, and the triple passivity in Christian evangelization.Bibliografia
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2017 Janez Vodičar

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