Consequences of Childhood Sexual Abuse for Intimate Couple Relationship according to Relational Marital Therapy
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
Childhood sexual abuse, couples, sexuality, intimacy, relational couple therapyAbstrakt
Childhood sexual abuse is a traumatic experience, the consequences of which are numerous in adult intimate relationships. Couples often have problems in maintaining their relationships and frequently face problems in their sexual life. Because of the consequences that they experience and which they usually do not attribute to past trauma, couples increasingly seek therapeutic help. A safe therapeutic relationship enables the formation of new neural connections and a change in relational structures. Identifying and understanding the consequences of sexual abuse with elements of dual awareness is essential for the partnership and healing of both partners. The purpose of the article is to deepen the understanding of the consequences of childhood sexual abuse for couple relationships according to the Relational Marital Therapy paradigm.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2018 Sara Jerebic, Drago Jerebic

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