Spirituality and psycho-organic regulation
https://doi.org/10.15633/pch.2567Słowa kluczowe:
psycho-organic spiritual structure, trauma, relational trauma, grace, sacramental lifeAbstrakt
Traumatic experiences are very important for the psycho-organic regulation of an individual. These experiences can very profoundly mark an individual, especially if they happened in childhood. They can be very disruptive and they scream for healing. In this process of healing spirituality plays a crucial role. Religiousness and sacramental life can be an essential regulatory system in the establishment of a functional psycho–organic response and spiritual life.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2018 Robert Cvetek, Christian Gostečnik, Tanja Pate, Barbara Simonič, Tanja Valenta, Tanja Repič Slavič

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