Induced Abortion in the Contemporary Penitential Praxis of the Catholic Church. How to be an Instrument of New Hope
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
induced abortion, confession, tradition, foetus, trauma, penanceAbstrakt
The aim of this paper is to consider how a priest could contribute to the healing of those who are burdened with the crime of induced abortion. The response of the Catholic Church towards this issue, throughout the centuries, deserves to be discussed on the basis of some relevant facts. The topic concerns not only moral theology and canon law but it is also the object of research of modern psychology. A confessor, confronted with procured abortion, should reflect seriously on which type of penance will be a real spiritual medicine for his penitent. This study would like to present some examples. It reflects the actual status quo in some selected dioceses concerning the forum internum. The paper will conclude with some proposals to address such situations.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2020 Jan Polák

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