The First Relationship – the Experience of Fundamental Trust as a Foundation for the Development of Faith
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Newborn, observation, the first relationship, Relational Family TherapyAbstrakt
The article is an important starting point for reflecting upon the emergence and development of fundamental trust through the first, primary relationship between the newborn and the parent. The birth of the first child signifies establishment of a family system, in which the concepts and mechanisms that Relational Family Therapy is built upon, are reflected on a systemic, interpersonal and intrapsychic level. Relational Family Therapy can find a way to resolve painful psychical contents and bring about a relief of the family system. The starting point for the study of the family described in this paper is the method of observing newborn behavior, the Newborn Behavioral Observations System (hereinafter NBO) with elements of Relational Family Therapy, which significantly helps to build a confident parental role and establishes a closer relationship between parents and children, thus forming the foundation for all further relationships.
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