Senior policy as an element of local government activities in Tarnów
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Senior, local government, local environment, resources, family, social policyAbstrakt
This article is an analysis of the social policy of practical activities implemented for seniors in the environment of their local residence. Tarnów was chosen as the local environment, in which seniors are the majority of the population. It discusses the principles of social policy, the resources of the Tarnów local government, activities and initiatives for seniors in Tarnów as well as the objectives and tasks of the Tarnów local government implemented in 2015–2020
The analysis of social policy shows that the local government authorities in Tarnów organized many valuable and good initiatives for the benefit of seniors. This is demonstrated by the cafeteria of activities undertaken by social institutions (state and local government), non-governmental organizations, religious associations (church), and other economic entities (enterprises and business). However, there are some lacunae, especially in the area of care standards.
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