The Urgency for Peace in Teachings of John Paul II
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
Peace, freedom, peaceful societies, security, culture of war, culture of peaceAbstrakt
Peace has always been a topic of great importance. Its presence is desired by all nations and societies. It brings the world together in unity. John Paul II considered peace to be an integral part in creation of an independent and healthy society. Papal encyclicals and messages, intended to present the response of the teaching Church to problems that arise from time to time, often dwell on the principles that advocate peace. Since freedom and peace are in many cases a privilege for many nations, the mentioned pope commits himself to speak about the cruelty and evilness of wars and national conflicts. Pope John Paul II denounces intolerance as denial of freedom for many people, and consequently a great threat to peace. The pope teaches that peace has its roots in the family. Yet, in many societies, the family is deprived of the utmost importance that it certainly deserves. Without the adequate means for a decent livelihood, families can experience hardship in committing themselves to promote solidarity and a proper social fabric worthy of human dignity. For John Paul II, a nation’s freedom and peace are safeguarded and promoted through particular attention and a much-devoted effort by strong and healthy families.
John Paul II, Encyclical Redemptor hominis.
John Paul II, Dialogue for peace. A challenge for our time, Vatican 1982.
John Paul II, From a new heart peace is born, Vatican 1983.
John Paul II, Message of the Holy father John Paul II for the 17th World Communications Day, Vatican 1983.
John Paul II, Offer forgiveness and receive peace, Vatican 1996.
John Paul II, Pokój jest wartością, która nie zna podziałów, Vatican 1985.
John Paul II, To build peace, respect minorities, Vatican 1988.
John Paul II, Rozbrojenie. Orędzie do uczestników II sesji specjalnej Zgromadzenia Ogólnego ONZ poświęconej sprawom rozbrojenia, odczytane 11 czerwca 1982 roku przez Kardynała Sekretarza Stanu Agostino Casarolli, „L`Osservatore Romano” (1982) nr 6 (30).
John Paul II, Homilia wygłoszona podczas Mszy Świętej w Drogheda, in: Jan Paweł II w Irlandii i Stanach Zjednoczonych, Warszawa 1981.
John Paul II, Orędzie na Światowy Dzień Pokoju 1979, in: Orędzia na Światowy Dzień Pokoju papieży Pawła VI i Jana Pawła II, Warszawa 1981.
Kowalski J., Strategia nuklearnego odstraszania jako środek zachowania pokoju, in: „Chrześcijanin w świecie” (1987) nr 19.
Smuniewski C., Zagadnienie pokoju w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II, „Zeszyty Naukowe AON” (2012) nr 1 (86).
Prawa autorskie (c) 2014 Jerzy Lewandowski

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