Anthropological Aspects of the Theology of Marriage and the Family in the Light of the Insights of Saint John Paul II
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
Theology of Marriage and Family, Christian Anthropology of Gender, Marital Love, Meaning and Mission of MarriageAbstrakt
The article analyses the anthropology of the theology of marriage and the family, presents the foundations of the Christian anthropology of gender, describes the concept of marital love, and introduces the foundations of the theology of indissolubility of marriage and the meaning and mission of marriage using philosophical and theological scientific literature, the writings of John Paul II, the Holy Scripture and the documents of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. The following lines of further research are anticipated: the family as a small domestic church, the principles of the religious education of children in the family, and the family as a place of vocational disclosure. The conclusions of this theoretical study are presented.
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