Towards a Strengthening of Catechesis in Poland. A Re-reading of Polish Catechesis in the Light of the “National Text for the Orientation of Catechesis in France and the Principles of its Organisation” (2006) by the French Bishops


  • Bogdan Skłodowski Białystok



Catechesis in Poland, catechesis in France, parish catechesis, catechesis and liturgy, Word of God in catechesis


Catechesis is a dynamic process. The Church is constantly looking for new solutions to make it more effective. Catechesis is so closely connected to its surrounding milieu that it is not usually possible to use ready-made solutions from abroad. However, one must not exclude the possibility of drawing inspiration from the experience of other countries. Holding to this conviction, the author attempts to re-read Polish catechesis in the light of an official catechetical document by the French bishops: “Texte national pour l’orientation de la catéchèse en France et principes d’organisation” (2006). The reading of the French document permits the author to formulate some propositions for catechesis in Poland: to develop parish catechesis for children, youth and adults; to accentuate the relationship between catechesis and liturgy; to verify the place and role of the Word of God in catechesis.


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