Some Remarks on the Theological Interpretation of the Theory of Evolution
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Creation, evolution, creationism, Bible, theory of evolution, evolutionary creationism, God of the gaps, God and evolutionAbstrakt
This paper deals with the problem of alleged conflict between the theological idea of the creation of man by God and the scientific theories that explain the origin of the human body referring to the process of evolution. It is argued that there is no contradiction between these two domains and that there is no real conflict between the idea of creation and the theory of evolution. At first, the conception of evolution is introduced. Afterwards, the evolutionary creationism is presented as the theological doctrine which claims that God created man, using for this purpose mechanisms of evolution. It is argued that the Biblical account of creation must not be understood literally and that during the lecture of this account one should respect the interpretative principle of St. Augustine concerning metaphorical sense of some Biblical texts. Finally, a “method” of explaining of the emergence of the human body by a direct action of God (“God of the gaps”) is criticized.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2013 Tadeusz Pabjan

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