Der gesellschaftlich-kulturelle Kontext der aktuellen Gefährdungen fü.r.. die religiöse Erziehung und Bildung in der Familie


  • Józef Stala Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow


Słowa kluczowe:

The family, education, upbringing, religion, threats


In a society shaken by tensions and conflicts caused by the clash of various kinds of individualism and selfishness, children need to be enriched with a sense of the personal dignity of each individual, true love and sincere service to the others, especially the poorest and those in most need. The family is the first and fundamental school of upbringing: as a community of life and love. Every Christian family finds its mission received from God in self-giving that inspires the love of husband and wife for each other and the self-giving that is practiced in the relationships between brothers and sisters and the different generations living together in the family. The author of this article shows the actual threats to religious upbringing and education in the family with special attention given to the postmodern socio-cultural context. He also highlights financial, social, moral and religious crisis influencing the family life and education. Then asks for the roots of these negative phenomena and searches for the pedagogical solution.


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