Religious foundations of Princes Lubartowicz-Sanguszko of Kowelski lineage. in the turn of the 17th and 18th century in Wołyń
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
Lubartowicz-Sanguszko family, foundation monastery and church, monastery in Lublin and Lubartów, Kowelski lineage, benefactors, Carmelite convent in WiśniczAbstrakt
The foundation activity of the Princes of the House of Sanguszko in the turn of the 17th and 18th centurypresented in this paper does not depict the whole religious experience and people’s faith who passed away. Among many outstanding personages the greatest were Szymon Samuel Sanguszko and his heirs, especially Paweł Karol Sanguszko, who played an important role in founding churches and convents. Such an expansive foundation activity of the Sanguszkos in their ancestral possessions, especially the borderlands, had its powerbase. The sources of which were, among others, the financial status, the positions held and indeed it was characteristic of the fall of the baroque epoch, according to which one ought to take care of their eternal life by being helpful. This helpfulness boiled down to numerous foundations and philanthropic activity for the deprived. What is more, the founders secured for themselves, often after stormy lives, prayers for their souls in the convents and churches they donated, which also usually became the places of their burials. It is worth emphasizing that many of the Sanguszko family chose religious vocations as priests, monks or nuns. Undoubtedly, it was a manifestation of living faith and deep religious devotion of one of the most important families in the Republic of Poland and Latvia in the 17th and 18th century.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2013 Jolanta Marszalska

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