Purgatory and Hell in Medieval Female Mystics’ Visions
https://doi.org/10.15633/pch.14101Słowa kluczowe:
purgatory, hell, Mystics, Middle Ages, eschatologyAbstrakt
Death and the afterlife have always evoked both fear and hope among people. Consequently, they have endeavoured to gain a deeper understanding of what lies beyond life’s earthly realm. Christian teachings and the official doctrine of the Church offer a broad overview of this reality, leaving room for an expectation of a more detailed explanation of the fate that awaits individuals after death. Female mystics, particularly those who lived during the late Middle Ages, played significant roles in elucidating these destinies. Their visions and subsequent writings contain a wealth of details concerning the nature of eternal life, providing meticulous descriptions of the places and events that unfold after death. This article delves into their visions of purgatory and hell, examining their relationship with the official Catholic doctrine.
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