Effects of Centrality of Religiosity and Dyadic Coping on Psychological Well-Being of Married Couples who Postpone Parenthood
https://doi.org/10.15633/pch.14111Słowa kluczowe:
centrality of religiosity, delaying parenthood, dyadic coping, marriage, relationship, well-beingAbstrakt
Religiosity and dyadic coping are among the factors important for the quality of marriage, satisfaction with the relationship and the sense of happiness of the spouses. Well-being, mainly in the aspect of personal development or life goals, seems to be particularly important for couples planning to conceive a child in the near or distant future. The study involved 51 married couples postponing parenthood. Their dyadic coping, psychological well-being and the centrality of religiosity were studied. The actor-partner interdependence model was used for the dyadic analyses. There were no differences in the well-being between the spouses, however, women rated in dyadic coping and religiosity higher. The centrality of the spouses’ religiosity, and especially the congruence of their religious beliefs, seems to have a significant impact on their well-being. The obtained results seem to shed new light on the importance of dyadic coping by spouses and their religiosity for the well-being of each of them.
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