St. Peter, Church and Religion as a Role Model for Modern Entrepreneurs
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
St. Peter, religion, spirituality, organization, management, young entrepreneursAbstrakt
Modern enterprises operate on the basis of the Industry 4.0 paradigm. Technology is becoming an inherent attribute of the economy, but at the same time, one should bear in mind the employees, who create enterprises, and the spiritual side, so as to maintain a balance between what is tangible and intangible. Religion and spirituality are intertwined and have an impact on business practice and corporate management. Research on a group of young people has shown that faith plays a vital role in running a business. Moreover, the sustainability and uninterrupted activity of the Church can be a model for many companies. Subordinating one’s own affairs and individual ambitions to the common good and higher values, is the direction which managers of modern institutions can follow. Such an enterprise needs a leader, a charismatic leader who, as an intangible asset, will primarily see the value of the employees entrusted to him, and only then, the material value of the company. The personnel function and the humanistic approach are the key aspects of a well-functioning enterprise. The article analyses the role of St. Peter in managing the Church, and indicates the possibility of managing modern enterprises based on Church experience.
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