Die Freiheit – das besondere Kennzeichen einer modernen Jugenderziehung
https://doi.org/10.15633/pch.502Słowa kluczowe:
Upbringing, youth, freedomAbstrakt
The author of the article struggles with a paradox: the post-modern age which views itself as pluralistic nonetheless appears to yearn for upbringing. At the beginning of XXI century, the dissonance between human development, full participation in a wide range of spiritual culture and a tendency to strictly technical education, oriented mainly on efficiency and profits appears in a full range. In this context it is important to educate young people in the responsible use of the gift of freedom. The author of this article presents freedom as a characteristic sign of youth education in the present century. He also shows the pluralism of values and upbringing aimed towards freedom. The author also underlines the Christian approach to freedom, understood as both a gift and a task received from God. Pedagogy of freedom is not a question of transmitting human knowledge, even of the highest kind; it is rather a question of responsibly communicating with God and people. God Himself used a pedagogy that must continue to be a model for the pedagogy of freedom.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2013 Józef Stala

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