Theological Reflection on Tourism and Leisure


  • Maciej Ostrowski The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow


Słowa kluczowe:

Theology of tourism, Theology of leisure, Ethics of tourism, Christian values of tourism, Pastoral dimension of tourism


Tourism is one of the most popular leisure activities. In this article we intend to point out a few elements that may constitute the founding blocks of a theology of leisure and a theology of tourism: a theology of time, a theology of freedom, a theology of creation, a theology of leisure, a theology of joy, a theology of the journey (homo viator, homo peregrinus). There are many points both in the Bible and in the teachings of the Church that leave room for the development of this notion. According to the Second Vatican Council, tourism is classified as one of the contemporary phenomena which can be described as one of the signs of time. The Council recommends individuals and groups to study them carefully and incorporate them in the general context of pastoral work.


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