Adaptive Religious Education at the Service of Inventiveness: A scientific way of being creative and effective in Religious Education
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
adaptive religious education, symbol system, teaching methodsAbstrakt
Student uniqueness demands that the teacher/catechist is inventive not only in the learning methods and teaching techniques employed but also in the way content is structured. Only in this way can the teacher ascertain that his/her students’ requirements are met and, consequently, student learning facilitated. However, teachers’ creativity should not mean haphazard choice of methods and techniques. Teaching is both an art and a science. The limitless nature of creativity should be used judiciously and made to bear fruit through the application of knowledge of educational psychology and instructional design. By using Adaptive Religious Education, the teacher may be guided to use different techniques in a methodical manner in order to ensure and enhance student learning. In particular, thesystematic use of different symbol systems can help teachers to improve student learning. The paper will put forward a number of principles and practical suggestions that may guide teachers in planning R.E. lessons.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2015 Adrian Gellel

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