The Current Situation of Education and Continuing Professional Development of RE Teachers in Poland in the Context of the Social Challenges
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
Religious Education, teachers, continuing professional development, PolandAbstrakt
The author of this article presents Religious Education teachers continuing professional development in Poland in the context of political, social, economic, cultural and educational changes. During the last years, Poland has developed a national strategy for teacher training and introduced many new regulations. The aim of the new legal solutions is to prepare RE teachers as will be competent specialists in theology, accomplished in didactics and pedagogy and capable of caring for – and contributing to – the upbringing of pupils of varying needs; as well as organizers of social activities in class and school, also in effective cooperation with the local parish. Despite the many changes, RE teachers still have very difficult situation in Poland and face many challenges.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2015 Elżbieta Osewska

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