Jesus in Narnia. Narrative Katechese im Werk von C.S. Lewis
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
C.S. Lewis, The Chronicles of Narnia, christian allegories, narrative teology and catechesis, Bible and literature, fantasy and faithAbstrakt
This paper seeks to explore the narrative catechesis and elements of religious pedagogy in C.S. Lewis' “The Chronicles of Narnia” and to critically ponder on the following questions: To what extent is the message of faith conveyed to the reader by Lewis' story-telling? In which way is a narrative approach to theology and catechesis articulated and realised? Why is the narrative catechesis useful and what is its role in the context of the overall mission of the Church i.e. the preaching of the Gospel? In order to provide answers to these questions the first part of this paper outlines a Christian allegory of the Narnian stories. The second part deals with the formalistic approach as using allegory, allusion, and symbolism to interpret Lewis' narrative. The third part outlines the need for a critical awareness and the role of theological narrative in flourishing humanity and human wholeness. The concluding section presents an overall assessment of Lewis's Christian fantasy and its faith-shaping impact.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2015 Jadranka Garmaz, Petar Komljenović

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