Manuscript Codices in the Library Collection of the Cistercian Abbey in Szczyrzyc


  • Jolanta Marszalska Cardinal StefanWyszynski University in Warsaw, Poland


Słowa kluczowe:

Monastery, Cistercians, library, Szczyrzyc, codices


The collection of manuscripts at the Cistercian library in Szczyrzyc amounts to 100 volumes, including four medieval codices dated between 1460-1494; 12 manuscript books dated to the 17th century; 57 dated to the 18th century, and 27 manuscripts dated to the 19th century. Most of them are textbooks, copies of theological, philosophical and legal treatises, works on rhetoric, liturgy, world history, mathematics and herbal medicine, as well as books of homilies for special occasions and feasts. The collection of manuscripts at the monastery in Szczyrzyc is mostly a functional one – it was used by the monks to study and broaden their philosophical, theological, legal and liturgical knowledge. Several codices contain the texts of homilies delivered at various churches on feast days and solemnities, written down by the monks of Szczyrzyc. The surviving codices are bound in simple covers made of damaged folios taken out from liturgical codices, including antiphonaries and graduals. Considering the small number of surviving books, it is difficult to discuss the interests or influences of particular authors and their works on the intellectual level of the religious community of Szczyrzyc.


Inventarium Cijrzickiego Kościoła... conscriptus R.P.Antonius Stawski...1728-1740

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