Znaczenie i rola wychowania religijnego w jednoczeniu wspólnoty rodzinnej
In Christian culture religious education is understood as supporting a person in their development and growth in religious maturity that is presented by Jesus the role model.
Christian faith motivates a man to aim at integral and broad development that is achieved through self-discovery, self-evaluation and self-education.
Family life in faith unites the whole family even more. Faith brings answers to the most important questions that dwell in a human being in his most significant matters related to the aim of life and its meaning. Faith sustains the parental authority weakening in he eyes of a child, ordering respect towards parents but also towards a child.
Depriving one of their family, of the supernatural values and rejecting Christ leads to the death of faith, to cutting it off the proper source from which faith dwells its life and spiritual power.
The aim of this article is to attempt showing the role of religious upbringing in unifying a family according to the Christian concept of self-education and the teachings of John Paul II.

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