Modelowanie akrazji


  • Michał Kłusek


Słowa kluczowe:

akrasia, economic, decision making, Aristotle


In general, economics does not deal with the details of a decission process, focusing solely on the result of a given behaviour. Model of akrasia formulated by Robert Cooter allows for modelling of the very decision process leading to a given behaviour therefore widening the scope of interest of economics. It does it by allowing for preferences changing in time and the possiblity of anticiaption of the shape of future preferences. This allows for modelling of lapses, the regret connected with a wrong decision and akrasia (weakness of will) – a acting contrary to one’s better judgement. Cooter’s model can be reconciled with some of the contemporary philosophical theories of akrasia. Combining an economical model with philosophical theories allows for a fuller understanding of akrasia.

Biogram autora

  • Michał Kłusek
    Absolwent prawa na Uniwersytecie Jagielloń­skim w Krakowie, studentem ekonomii na tym samym uniwersytecie. Studiował także na Uniwersytecie Karola w Pradze oraz w Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education – Economics Institute w Pradze. Jego zainteresowania skupiają się na relacjach między etyką i ekonomią, ekonomicznej analizie prawa i ekonomii behawioralnej.


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