Problem samodzielności stanowiska strukturalizmu czasoprzestrzennego
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
structuralism, substantivalism, relationism, spacetime, General RelativityAbstrakt
The aim of this paper is to place the considerations provided by a philosophical family of positions called “spacetime structuralism” in the context of the debate between classical views: substantivalism and relationism in the philosophy of spacetime. Altough this task was somehow tackled in the past by other researchers, they never stated most generally, what exactly the problem with spacetime structuralism as a standpoint was. I view that problem as the problem of its autonomy and potential reducibility to both of the classical views. I modestly suggest a general viewpoint on spacetime structuralism: as a purely interpretative endeavour.Bibliografia
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2016 Damian Luty
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