A philosophical investigation in machine understanding. The case of implicit meaning


  • Maria Wilkowska



Słowa kluczowe:

sztuczna inteligencja, SI, AI, chatbot, maszyny liczące, językoznawstwo komputacyjne, znaczenie, rozumienie, semantyka, pragmatyka, język naturalny, znaczenie niedosłowne


The question of machine thinking and understanding, once initiated by Alan Turing, has puzzled scholars from various disciplines. This paper aims at investigating some of the facets involved in the topic of machine language understanding with particular interest devoted to indirect meaning comprehension (more specifically, the implicature). So far as the subject under examination – the chatbot – manages to understand directly conveyed information, still much is to be done with respect to implicit data in which everyday messages (formulated in ordinary language) abound. This situation generates a number of not only hard-science questions but also, more importantly, given the viewpoint of this paper, it gives rise to a considerable amount of philosophically- oriented and frequently neglected issues and dilemmas too. This study is a brief investigation of exactly those phenomena.

Biogram autora

  • Maria Wilkowska
    Absolwentka Wydziału Filologii Angielskiej UJ oraz Wydziału Filozoficznego UPJPII w zakresie filozofii umysłu i kognitywistyki. Jest członkiem grupy badawczej „Filozofia w informatyce”. Główne obszary zainteresowań naukowych to filozofia języka oraz computer science.




