La langue de la théologie pratique ou celle de la théologie en pratique? Autour de la notion de l’artéfact théologique, introduite par Marcel Viau
practical theology, pastoral theology, theological artifact, theological esthetics, discourseAbstract
The issue of the language of theology in the practical actions of the Church is first a question of how are these actions understood and of the form the theoretical thinking about it takes. Nowadays, alongside the notion of “pastoral theology,” the notion of “practical theology” is gaining place. This choice of wording emphasizes the whole of the Church’s action and not only the ones of the pastors. However, there is another meaning of practical theology that can be discussed, i.e. “theology in practice.” Marcel Viau, a Canadian protestant theologian, suggests calling practical theology with an Anselmian-like term: “fides quaerens verbum” (faith seeking the word). The notion of “word” should be understood broadly as any act by which the Church communicates faith or the discourse of the Church. Viau introduces the notion of “theological artifact,” which stands for every work of culture that can be seen as an element of discourse of the Church. In this way, Viau broadens the understanding of the Church’s action not only for its specific pastoral action, but also for the widely understood channel of cultural transfer of faith. Consequently, the language of practical theology transforms into the language of theology in practice.References
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