Zmysł wiary jako zjawisko eklezjalne. Kontekst teologiczno-historyczny
Church, sense of faith (sensus fidei), sense of believers (sensus fidelium), manifestations of the sensus fidei, criteria for discernmentAbstract
This paper discusses the issue of the sense of faith (sensus fidei) in the life of the Church. The author first describes the contemporary social context in which discussing the sensus fidei is meaningful. He then presents the nature of the sensus fidei and evaluates some major definitions of this concept. Emphasis is placed upon the biblical teaching on this spiritual gift and the milestones in the development of this idea. The author examines the manifestations of the sensus fidei in the personal life of the believer and in the communal life of the Church. He shows the living connection between the sensus fidei and the Magisterium Ecclesiae. The author concludes with his reflection on the dispositions needed by all believers for authentic participation in the sensus fidei. Ecumenical aspects of the sensus fidei still remain an important topic for Christian theologians. The relationship between the sensus fidei and public or majority opinion is a very delicate question. For that reason, the magisterium and theologians must constantly work to constitute the clear criteria for discernment of the authentic sensus fidei.
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