Messianism and Modernity. Commentary to the Liturgy of History


  • Marcin Suskiewicz University of Oxford



John Paul II, Messianism, Romanticism, modernity, millenarism, Paweł Rojek


In his recent book Liturgia dziejów [Liturgy of History], Paweł Rojek argues that Karol Wojtyła was to a large extent influenced by Polish Messianism. Although Rojek’s argument centres around this rather historical thesis, his book is essential reading not only for students of John Paul II’s legacy but anyone interested in the relationship between Christianity and modernity. It is so, because Polish Messianism, according to Rojek, was an early project of Christian modernity. By taking inspiration from the Messianists, Wojtyła was able to combine religious perspective with modern anthropocentrism.


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