Immutability of God in Christian Terms


  • Szymon Drzyżdżyk The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, Poland
  • Zuzanna Kosińska The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, Poland



God, immutability, suffer, St Thomas Aquinas


This article deals with the issue of the immutability of God in Himself. What is meant by “immutability” and why God should (or must) be immutable? Doesn’t He – whom Christians preach – contradict His immutability by showing interest in man? These questions, taken by a number of philosophers and theologians have appeared more or less frequently throughout history. The article is devoted to the immutability of God as one and the Holy Trinity on the grounds of Christianity. The article quotes the thoughts of representatives from the Church in the West and in the East – Tertullian and Origen. This thought formed in an era when Trinitarian heresy flourished and had a significant impact on the further development of theological reflection. Then the theological and philosophical position of Thomas Aquinas is taken into account as one who in his investigations on the nature of God used the components of ancient Greek philosophy.


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