The crisis of truth, and Its impact on human actions



Słowa kluczowe:

human moral conduct, metaphysics, the truth of all things, modern philosophy, ontology, enlightment


Not only does Moral Theology tell us what we should do, but it also provides the reasons why we should do some things and avoid others. Over the centuries Christians paid attention to God’s creatures because they realised that He speaks to us through them and reveals His will as well (Rom 1). This issue also became the object of metaphysical inquiry. The concept of the truth of all things explained how man gets knowledge about God’s will through his creatures, which he subsequently should take into account in his moral conduct. The Enlightment proclaimed human freedom from religious beliefs and restrictions. Its philosophy, known as modern philosophy, tried to „conquer” metaphysics and the notion of the truth of all things. This paper presents these efforts and their consequences.


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