The death of Pope John Paul II — A scientific comparison of journalistic reactions to the death of the Pope in Germany and in Poland


  • Olga Nadskakuła‑Kaczmarczyk Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow



Pope John Paul II, Catholic Church, press, Germany, Poland


The aim of this article is to present the reactions of the Polish and German press to the death of Pope John Paul II, compare and analyze them. This approach allows to understand the differences between Polish and German perception of religion, particularly Christianity and the Catholic Church. Poland and Germany have different religious traditions, a different relationship to the church and to church dogma, rituals and piety. This may be observed as the different ways of looking at the death of Pope John Paul II in Polish and German newspapers.
Probably these perceptual differences ensued from the paternal figure of the John Paul II and special emotional Polish attitude to the deceased Polish Pope.


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