Family in the Life and Works of Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein)
family, marriage, Edith Stein, Teresa BenedictaAbstract
In modern times as never before, marriage and family are in danger. The contemporary problems were already present in many aspects in the times of Edith Stein. The author of the article studies the life and the works of the Saint with regard to marriage and family. For Edith Stein, marriage is an inseparable union of a man and woman, which, thanks to the sacramental grace, is filled with special strength to maintain reciprocal love and fidelity and also to cooperate with God in giving life and educating children. In Edith Stein’s opinion, both the husband and the wife in the family have rights and duties connected with being God’s image, bearing and bringing up children and transforming the world by their work. Edith, however, noted the difference between sexes and the way in which the tasks were realised according to the nature and the different callings. The Saint saw the necessity of complementarity of sexes and generations in a harmonious family. Such a vision of marriage and family is still applicable in our times.References
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