Memories of Adults Regarding Relations with Parents in Childhood


  • Elżbieta Osewska State Higher Vocational School in Tarnow



Poles, childhood memories, relations with parents, upbringing


Research into memory in adults reminiscing about childhood memories is not well‑­established. Some people seem to have vivid memories from very early ages, while others remember events beginning around age four or five. The aim of this article is to present memories of adults regarding relationships with their parents in childhood based on two surveys. First research was undertaken by the Public Opinion Research Centre (in Polish: Centrum Badania Opinii Społecznej). Second one, qualitative research of childhood relations was conducted by the author of this article among students of family studies from The Cardinal Wyszyński University in Warsaw. On the basis of quantitative and qualitative research on Poles with regard to their childhood memories, several conclusions may be drawn. First of all, the surveyed Poles have positive childhood memories with regard to relations with parents and the process of upbringing. A larger proportion stresses a better bond with their mother. Only in some of the quoted recollections of students, there appears greater significance of relations with father, who gave them a sense of security, pointed out values and established a model of masculinity. A large number of the polled adults declared that parents were close to them and cared for their social, moral and religious education.


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