Transformation of stereotypical perception of „the image of Poles” in the Russian Empire society during the World War I
Russian Empire, the image of the Pole, loyalty, World War ІAbstract
The cohabitation of different nations in the border of one state creates certain ethnic, social, mental collective nation’s image which changes very slowly. These processes are enhanced during the global historical processes with significant devastating effects which lead to an alteration in public consciousness.During World War І, under the influence of the external crisis circumstances, the necessity to take into account the strategic interests and fundamental values of the nations involved in the war, led to a change in perception of the image of the Pole. The image of a Pole as a disloyal person to Russian statehood had changed into the image of a true confederate in the mutual striving with the enemy.
Perception of the Poles as partners in state‑building and international cohabitation became possible only due to global geopolitical changes, the policy of powerful nations, including the Polish territory and the ability of Polish political powers to consolidate their efforts around the idea of statehood restoration.
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