The Synods of the Diocese of Tarnów as a tool for the renewal of the particular Church


  • Robert Kantor The Pontifical University of John Paul in Krakow



Diocesan synods, Diocese of Tarnów, Particular Church


This article analyses the last four synods of the diocese of Tarnów, highlighting their structure and course. Diocesan synods grow out of the needs of the particular Church; they shape the ecclesial reality most clearly by the formulated disciplinary, pastoral and spiritual proposals, reaching the very basic ecclesiastical and social environments. Each synod has its specific meaning in the history of the diocese, and its impact is certainly not limited to the formulated proposals. A diocesan synod has a very important function in the process of formation of the particular Church. The synods of the Diocese of Tarnów were the place of meeting of and dialogue between the bishop, the clergy and the laity of the Church in Tarnów. The present article discusses five points : ”Legal grounds”, “First Synod of the Diocese of Tarnów – 1928”, “Second Synod of the Diocese of Tarnów – 1938”, “Third Synod of the Diocese of Tarnów – 1948”, “Fourth Synod of the Diocese of Tarnów – 1986”.


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