The Family Communio Personarum and Upbringing
marriage, family, community, communio personarum, parents, upbringingAbstract
Not only are marriage and the family, natural and religious institutions but, above all, they are communities of persons fulfilling their personal calling. However, communio personarum does not only result from the natural relations, but is a consequence of faith, which unites family with Jesus Christ. This article will present the pedagogical consequences of acknowledging the family as communio personarum, including the fact that every family is a privileged place of upbringing and parents, who bestowed the gift of life upon their child, have been gifted with a wealth of upbringing skills. The marital relation, as a “me” and “you” relation, constitutes the foundation for other family relations, as well as the everyday educational support for the child. Parents, however, accompany their children in forming their mature personality and religiousness.
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