Subjectivity in education in the sense of personalization


  • Łukasz Brózda University of Rzeszów, Poland



Models of education, personalism, postmodernity


Although the inclusion of the subjectivity of the individual seems to be the principle of education today, the term „subjectivity” is understood in different ways, which gives rise to contradictory models of education. It happens so in the case of influential and contrary models of subjectivity, presented by the widely understood antipedagogy and Catholic personalism, which ascribe a strong connotation to it. The analysis of this problem in this article will determine the reflection on the understanding of subjectivity and the characteristics of postmodernity in this context. The aim of this article is to demonstrate that personalism not only protects the subjectivity of the pupil but also does not give up education as it happens in antipedagogy. The role of personalistic education is, in no case, to underestimate the subjectivity of young people but to support the process of preferences and to affirm their proper hierarchy of values, without which their fullness of humanity will not materialize.


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