Der Beitrag der integrativen Gestaltpädagogik nach Albert Höfer im Bereich der holistischen Religionspädagogik
Gestalt, integrative gestalt pedagogy, Albert Höfer, holistic-personal learning process, personal development and religious dimension of a learnerAbstract
Integrative Gestalt pedagogy is a comprehensive pedagogy that based on Gestalt theory (-philosophy, -psychology, -therapy, -pedagogy), humanistic psychology and pedagogy. In the 1980s its holistic approach was used by Dr Albert Höfer to reform the concept of the Austrian religious education. Höfer succeeded in designing a complete Gestalt-pedagogical model of learning and teaching, whose uniqueness can be seen in its approaches that encourage student’s personal growth. In accordance with Jesus’s teaching it looks at students in a loving and caring way, talking to them in their everyday situations and opening them to religious experience and God’s working in their lives. This has been confirmed by empirical research.
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