Caring for the Person and the Human Family as a Priority for the State and the Church
God, marriage, family, upbringing, development, progress, state, ChurchAbstract
Caring for the person and the human family is one of the most important tasks for the State and the Church. In contrast to the activities of the civil society, the work of the Church in this area is called a specific work, because it requires the use of so-called poor means, i.e. peaceful means. From the very beginning, the teaching of the Church has stood and stands on the ground of Christian personalism. The Church looks at marriage and family in the same spirit. It views the family as the basic and irreplaceable community. It is the family that offers the most effective tools for the humanization and personalization of society. Any social and family policy should serve this end. The Church should follow a similar policy. However, the pastoral concern of the Church is not limited only to Christian families. It should manifest itself in relation to all families and especially those who face difficult or abnormal situations.
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